Mon Guerlain Sparkling Bouquet is a radiant fragrance like a beaming smile, in which the essential lavender-vanilla duo is beautifully enhanced by a sparkling pear note and a luminous Sambac jasmine. A captivating fruity fresh oriental sillage with a magnetic charm.
Your Mon Guerlain perfume is presented in its “quadrilobé” bottle, which offers a contrast between the strength of the taut lines and the sensuality of the curves, like an echo of the multiple facets of femininity. Today, it is beautifully enhanced by a luxurious glass weight and a shimmering silver ring that has been reinvented with a quadrilobé pavé setting like a precious jewel.
Mon Guerlain is a perfumed manifesto of today’s femininity. A multi-faceted woman – strong, free and sensual – embodied by Angelina Jolie.
With Sparkling Bouquet, Mon Guerlain is continuing its exploration of the multiple facets of the feminine with an ode to positivity. It is the aura of a radiant woman whose smile sparkles the world.
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